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Home > The Ata Alien from "Sirius" - What Is It?


The Ata Alien from "Sirius" - What Is It?

Source : www.huffingtonpost.com / http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2313828/Is-really-human-DNA-tests-inch-skeleton-alien-looking-creature-sized-head-prove-actually-human-claim-scientists-new-documentary.html
Ata Alien

The so-called "Ata alien" has been analyzed and the results show that it is not an alien. Yet there's no doubt that it is something rather remarkable... but what?

The mummified remains of this 6-inch-long creature have been around for a while (it was discovered in the Atacama Desert of Chile ten years ago), but have only recently been in the media spotlight because of a documentary by Dr. Steven Greer - Sirius - which contends that it might be the body of an alien.

The creature was given to Garry Nolan, director of stem cell biology at Stanford University's School of Medicine in California, whose DNA analysis showed that it was human - or very nearly so. "I can say with absolute certainty that it is not a monkey," Nolan said. "It is human -- closer to human than chimpanzees."

But it doesn't seem to be a deformed or mutated human being, primarily because of its size and developed form. It's not a fetus. Astonishing as it is to believe, Nolan believes that it lived to the age of six to eight years old!

That makes this creature quite remarkable and unique: A six-inch tall, fully formed humanoid that lived, breathed, ate for six to eight years! "It calls into question how big the thing might have been when it was born," Nolan said. Was it unique when alive - some kind of mutant? Is it possible it is a member of some unknown humanoid species, which means there were many more of them? Does it give credence to the lore about a race of "little people"?

That it is not an alien is totally irrelevant to its potential importance. Unless Garry Nolan is mistaken in his analysis and this thing is a clever hoax, then this creature deserves much more attention from the scientific and medical community than it is currently getting. This could be something unique, new, and completely unknown to science! Isn't that worth huge scientific headlines?

When a new documentary promised to unveil DNA tests on a 6-inch-tall humanoid found 10 years ago in Chile, everyone weighed in with an opinion.UFO researchers hoped this might finally be proof of alien visitations. Skeptics were sure it was nothing more than shameless movie promotion. The latest ripple in this controversy might be the most bizarre turn yet.

Genetic testing -- while not totally conclusive yet -- strongly suggests Ata is 91 percent human. But it's the other 9 percent of unknown properties that still have experts scratching their heads. Further DNA analysis might help unravel the mystery. Part of the controversy involves some scientists claiming Ata was a human who lived six to eight years, while others insist Ata was a mummified aborted human fetus. You can't have it both ways. And now, meet Atta Boy. Yes, Atta Boy, also around 6-inches tall, also from the Atacama Desert area as Ata, but reportedly from Bolivia or Peru.

The tiny mummified figure -- better known as Ata -- was found in Chile's Atacama Desert in 2003. It is featured in the recent documentary "Sirius." Even after detailed X-rays, CAT scans and DNA analysis, questions are still being asked about Ata's origin.

It was hailed as proof of alien life, a mummified visitor from another planet. Ten years after the remains of a six-inch ‘space alien’ were first discovered, they have been confirmed as ‘human’ by Stanford scientists in a new documentary film Sirius.

Since the remains of the small humanoid - known as the 'Atacama Humanoid' and nicknamed Ata - were discovered in Chile's Atacama Desert 10 years ago there has been much speculation about its origins.Theories have included that the bones were those of an aborted fetus, or a monkey, or even an alien that had crash-landed on earth.

In the weeks leading up to Monday’s premier of Sirius, UFO enthusiasts had grown increasingly excited that the film could announce a major breakthrough in the search for extra-terrestrial life forms. Experts say the small skeleton certainly bears many of the hallmarks of what we have come to believe aliens look like, in particular a large head overshadowing a small body.

According to Chilean local newspaper, a man called Oscar Munoz found the remain on Oct. 19, 2003 when he was looking for objects of historical value in La Noria, a ghost town in the Atacama Desert. Near an abandoned church, Munoz found a white cloth containing, according to the newspaper, ‘a strange skeleton no bigger than 15cm [the size of a pen]. It was a creature with hard teeth, a bulging head with an additional odd bulge on top.

Its body was scaly and of dark color. Unlike humans, it had nine ribs. 'After six months of research by leading scientists at Stanford University, the Atacama Humanoid remains a profound mystery,' said physician and Disclosure Project founder Dr. Steven Greer. 'We traveled to Barcelona Spain in late September 2012 to obtain detailed X Rays, CAT scans and take genetic samples for testing at Stanford University.

'We obtained excellent DNA material by surgically dissecting the distal ends of two right anterior ribs on the humanoid. 'These clearly contained bone marrow material, as was seen on the dissecting microscope that was brought in for the procedure,'

In the new documentary, a DNA sample from bone marrow extracted from the specimen, was analyzed by scientists at a prestigious American university. They concluded that it was an 'interesting mutation' of a male human that had survived post-birth for between six and eight years.‘I can say with absolute certainty that it is not a monkey.

'It is human - closer to human than chimpanzees. It lived to the age of six to eight,’ said Garry Nolan, director of stem cell biology at Stanford University's School of Medicine in California.'Obviously, it was breathing, it was eating, it was metabolizing.'It calls into question how big the thing might have been when it was born.'

‘The DNA tells the story and we have the computational techniques that allows us to determine, in very short order, whether, in fact, this is human,’ Nolan, who performed the DNA tests, explains in the film.

In addition to studying the origins of Ata, Sirius explores the subject of UFO and ET visitation, the disclosure of secret UFO files, and the investigation of advanced energy and propulsion technologies extra-terrestrial civilizations are using to travel to Earth. Based on evidence gathered over the past 20 years by physician and Disclosure Project founder Dr. Steven Greer, Sirius reveals how and why these energy technologies are being suppressed in favor of maintaining the current petrochemical system.

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