Home >Mysterious Crop circle appears in a field in Germany - Unexplained Mysteries
A mysterious giant crop circle has appeared overnight in a field belonging to a German farmer. It has attracted thousands of visitors from far and wide who have flocked to the scene to sing, dance and meditate within the ornate design. One observer said: "I believe you can only rule out, you can only ask yourself, what can be definitely ruled out as a cause for this. "The newspapers are reporting that it was college students who raked the field, but when you see the elaborate design of the circles from above, that seems very unlikely. Those circles are looking very good." Another visitor added: "I think it's almost impossible for this to appear overnight, and to do it in such an exact and precise manner. How is this possible?" Measuring 75 metres in diameter (246 feet), it was discovered by a balloonist flying over the wheat field near Weilheim. Farmer Christoph Huttner, who owns the field, told the dpa news agency it was not his creation, but may have been the work of students on summer holiday. He added he was unsure whether he would be keeping the crop circle. A mysterious crop circle has been spotted in a wheat field in upper Bavaria and has been attracting thousands of visitors. With a very ornate design printed into the crops, the circle seems to be formed of three rings and has a diameter of 75 metres. After being discovered by hot air balloonists flying over the wheat field, word of the mysterious creation spread quickly through internet forums. Thousands of people have now been flocking to the field to take a look themselves. The farmer who owns the field praised visitors who took off their shoes before entering, and said that a collection box had been put down in order to reimburse him for any damage done. Submit News/Videos/Links | Discuss article | Article Link | More unsolved mysteries on Unexplained Mysteries comments powered by Disqus |