With the advent of the dAvINCI cODE, there appears to be a swelling tide of interest relating to the question as to whether the medieval Knights Templar in fact possessed the Holy Grail. The answer to this is a very simple one: There is no doubt whatsoever that the Templars possessed the Holy Grail. The explanation behind this answer, unfortunately, remains somewhat complicated and, to a degree, very speculative. The key, as I have learned during the writing of The Labyrinth Of The Grail, is toconstantly "look beyond" what appears at first to be the true
answer. The simple reasoning is that
why else would both the Church and
State pursue the Templars to the far
ends of the earth and torture them
beyond compassion. Obviously, the
accusations of blasmephy were only
an excuse to justify their actions.
It really doesn't take any skill to
recognize that the inner circle of
the Templars possessed something far
more valuable than mere silver and
gold - something that threatened the
very being of the Church and State.
Founding of the Knights Templar
The First Crusade
(1) Call for a Holy War
"In medieval Europe "the ethics of
the ruling class remained those of
the Nibelungenlied and the Icelandic
sagas. As late as the tenth century
a heathen religious order called the
Joms-Vikings appeared in
Scandinavia, restricted to warriors
of proven bravery who submitted to a
harsh discipline, sleeping in
barracks without women. Death in
battle was their dearest ambition -
to join Woden in Valhalla. The
House-Carles who gave a grim an
account of themselves at Hastings
had been founded by King Sweyn
Forkbeard, a former commander of
these Jomsburg brethren, and many
European noblemen had Scandinavian
blood. The traditions of the
northern war-band were very much
alive in the twelfth century and the
chansons de geste expressed the same
pagan ideals: physical prowess, the
joy of plunder and the duty of
- Desmond Seward, The Monks of War
The followers of the Warrior Cults
of Northern Europe were feared for
their frenzied ferocity in battle.
Operating under a patchwork of
warlords, they stood in the way of a
pacified and united Europe operating
under the Holy Roman Empire.
"The church tried desperately to
stop the unending bloodshed. An
early expedient was the 'Truce of
God', specified days on which
noblemen wore not to fight. The
long-term policy was chivalry, an
attempt to tame murderous instincts
by providing a Christian ideal of
the warrior; ultimately knighthood,
originally a reputation for skill in
battle, became almost a religious
calling, hallowed by
quasi-sacramental rites - vigils,
weapon blessings, even vows of
chastity. The code of the Germanic
comitatus gave way to one of
prayerful self-sacrifice, which
exalted the protection of the
Jerusalem - occupied by the Moslems
since 638 - his appeal inspired
extraordinary enthusiasm.
Palestine's importance was
heightened by the new appreciation
of Christ's humanity; the scenes of
the Passion were still pointed out
at Jerusalem. That His City should
belong to infidels was contrary to
the law of God. And Holy War would
provide a magnificent outlet for the
destructive energy of barbarous
nobles. "These saw the crusade as a
summons by God to render military
service and also as an opportunity
to win new manors in the way they
had been won in England and southern
Italy. Shouts of 'Deus li volt'
resounded throughout Europe and a
great host of warlike pilgrims from
all classes converged on the Holy
Land singing the ancient, triumphant
hymn 'Vexilla regis prodeunt'
The king dressed in a golden burnous
and keffiyeh and gave audiences
cross-legged on a carpet. Nobles
wore shoes with up-turned points,
turbans, and the silks, damasks
muslins and cottons that were so
different from the wool and furs of
France. In the towns they lived in
villas with courtyards, fountains
and mosaic floors, reclining on
divans, listening to Arab lutes and
watching dancing girls. They ate
sugar, rice, lemons and melons and
washed with soap in tubs or sunken
baths, while their women used
cosmetics and glass mirrors, unknown
in Europe. Merchants, grown
accustomed to bazaars, veiled their
wives, and professional wailers were
seen at Christian funerals. Coins
had Arabic inscriptions....The
climate, with its short but stormy
winters and long sweltering summers,
and the new diseases, caused heavy
mortality despite Arab medicine. The
majority of the population was
Moslem. Life, perpetually
overshadowed by the sinister
specters of death, torture or
slavery, could only be endured by
men of strong self-discipline.
In July 1099, the city of Jerusalem
was attacked and stormed; the entire
population murdered in a holocaust
that lasted three days. 70,000
people died at the hands of the
slaughterous heathens and the
Knights Templar came into existence
after this massAcre. Originally
known as the Order of Poor Knights
of the Temple of Solomon, they were
a group of pious soldiers (many of
whom were French) who decided to
protect pilgrims on the dangerous
roads between Jaffa (the place at
which they landed in Palestine) and
Jerusalem. This volunteer police
force actually turned out to be
comprised of noblemen like Hughes de
Payens and Godefroi de Saint-Omer,
men who wished to live a life of
chastity. In return for providing
protection to pilgrims, the church
would offer them the remission of
their sins.
There are many myths surrounding the
Knights Templar, particularly
relating to the Temple of Solomon
and the Holy Grail. They did indeed
inhabit the temple at one time, when
King Baldwin offered them temporary
residence, but beyond this is there
much truth in the stories that
surround them? Was there a Templar
treasure, as so many authors claim?
How did they manage to become the
world's most wealthiest and powerful
organisation and what caused their
downfall? Wolfram von Eschenback
wrote a poem called Parzifal which
related the tale of the Holy Grail
and of the Knights Templar. At the
time, in 1220, the Templars were
still around and were probably a
famous group of men and Eschenback
was trying to tell us that they
guarded the precious object. Indeed,
if they had guarded pilgrims
travelling to the Holy City, why
shouldn't they take it upon
themselves to look after the grail
as well.
By 1314 the Templars had transformed
themselves into a body of men who
were loathed by the church and
certainly not admired for their
heroic actions. On 18 March, Jacques
Molay, the last Grand Master of the
Order, Godffroi de Charney, the head
of the Order in Normandy, and a
third man were burned to death in
Paris. It was claimed that they were
devil worshippers - a rumour which
seems to be untrue and which was
almost certainly created to
accentuate the charges of heresey
brought against them. The simple
facts were that they owned large
tracts of valuable land which other
people wanted to get their hands on!
The Pope dissolved their order and
warned that anyone thinking of
joining would be excommunicated and
charged as a heretic.
The "Rubant Document" claims that
the Templars were very advanced for
their time, thanks to secret
knowledge they had obtained from
books. Somehow, the Knights had
managed to find a sort of "complete
and absolute knowledge", a secret
wisdom that was only known to the
initiated. Raoul de Presle, a lawyer
from the time, said that there was a
strict secret held within the Order,
the nature of which was so
sensational that men would prefer to
have their heads chopped off rather
than divulge it! What on earth was
this secret? Jacques de Molay had
told the Inquisition just before his
death that he would like to tell
them "certain things" but they
weren't authorised to hear them. Did
this involve the secret doctrine of
the Templars, something that might
threaten the very foundations of
normal Christianity, or did it
merely involve the guarding of an
When the Knights Templar were
founded in 1118-1119 in Jerusalem,
it was a 'poor order' whose primary
function was the protection of
pilgrims along the main roads
between the coast at Jaffa and the
inland city of Jerusalem. But an
important transformation took place
when this nascent Order came under
the patronage of St Bernard of
Clairvaux, nephew of André de
Montbard, one of the founding group
of the Templars. Until his
conversion at the age of twenty, St
Bernard himself had been destined
for a knightly career, and when he
came to patronize the Knights
Templar that Order was imbued with
the ideals and convictions of the
knightly class of Burgundy.
It was Hugues of Champagne who
donated the site of Clairvaux to
Bernard, where he built his abbey
and from whence he expanded his
'empire'. He became the official
'sponsor' of the Templars, and it
was his influence that ensured papal
recognition at the Council at
Troyes, this being the capital of
Hughes' land....It was a disciple of
Bernard's, Pope Innocent II,
(formerly a monk at Clairvaux) who
freed the Templars from all
allegiance to anyone except the Pope
himself In 1128, Bernard of
Clairvaux "was just twenty-eight
years old when the Council of Troyes
asked him to help create a Rule for
the Templars. He did more than that.
He became their most vocal champion,
urging that they be supported with
gifts of land and money and
exhorting men of good family to cast
off their sinful lives and take up
the sword and the cross as Templar
St Bernard, who took a strong liking
to Hughes, recognized a means of
channeling the feudal nobility's
surplus energy which would convert
'criminals and godless, robbers,
murderers and adulterers'. He
promised Hughes that he would
compile a rule and find recruits.
'They can fight the battle of the
Lord and indeed be soldiers of
Christ'. Military Christianity had
found it real creator Bernard urged
young men to take up the Templar
sword, comparing the Templar's holy
way of life, so pleasing to God, to
the degenerate ways of the secular
knights, whose lives were dedicated
to vanity, adultery, looting, and
stealing, with many sins to atone
for. The dedication to Christ, to a
life of chastity and prayer, to a
life that might be sacrificed in
battle against unbelievers, was
enough penance to atone for any sin
or any number of sins. On that
basis, Bernard appeared to
sceleratos et impius, raptores et
homicidas, adulteros, 'the wicked
and the ungodly, rapists and
murderers, adulterers', to save
their own souls by enlisting as
Kings of the Temple. That guaranteed
absolution was also a way out for
those suffering under decrees of
excommunication. The taking of the
Templar oath would evidence
submission to the Church, and the
supreme penance of a lifetime at war
for the True Cross would satisfy
God's requirement for punishment of
the contrite.
The warriors are gentler than lambs
and fiercer than lions, wedding the
mildness of the monk with the valour
of the knight, so that it is
difficult to decide which to call
them: men who adorn the Temple of
Solomon with weapons instead of
gems, with shields instead of crowns
of gold, with saddles and bridles
instead of candelabra: eager for
victory -- not fame; for battle not
for pomp; who abhor wasteful speech,
unnecessary action, unmeasured
laughter, gossip and chatter, as
they despise all vain things: who,
in spite of their being many, live
in one house according to one rule,
with one soul and one heart Another
pools of recruits was provided by
the poor knights who lacked the
funds to acquire horses, armor, and
weapons. All of those things would
be given to them upon their entry,
along with personal attendants and
servants. They were certain of
adequate food and a place in which
to live. Their self-respect, no
matter how low it might have sunk,
would be instantly restored....(A
heavy war-horse cost roughly the
equivalent of four hundred days' pay
for a free laborer).