Seeing double: Indian baby born with four eyes, two mouths and two faces
To some she may seem an oddity, but to one Indian couple their newborn daughter is simply a God reincarnated.
Their as yet un-named four-day-old baby girl was born with two faces, two mouths and four eyes in the rural Nagar district of Uttar Pradesh, 50km north east of New Delhi.

Her parents, Vinod and Susham Singh from a village called Sani, said their little girl was "a gift from God".
They are also unable to say if she will be able to eat and function normally.
The excitement surrounding her arrival comes two years after the birth of another little girl, from the poverty stricken region of Bihar, who was born attached to her headless twin.
In a 40 hour operation, doctors successfully removed the lifeless body from Lakshmi Tatma, who was hailed as a reincarnation of Vishnu.
The extraordinary eight-limbed baby was born on the day devoted to the celebration of the four-armed Hindu deity Vishnu.

Since the operation Lakshmi has successfully taken her first steps.
Her mother Poonam Tatma said she believed her daughter was "a miracle".
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