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Home >Roswell incident debris footage


Roswell incident debris footage - VIDEO

Source : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOC2Ev3DA_M&feature=player_embedded#at=139

Roswell incident debris footage (Video)

Leaked footage from an eye witness. This video is claimed to be from the now infamous Roswell, New Mexico crash in 1947.

The hot summer of 1947 brought something new to Roswell, New Mexico, other than it historic contingent of Indians, Spaniards, longhorn cattle, chili farmers, and plenty of cowboys. This was something new! And, it wasn’t arriving along the usual dusty trail, but rather, from the skies above.

That was the summer that the Roswell skies, as well as the heavens all over America were filled with unidentified flying objects – UFO’s!

The first report came in on June 24, 1947 when pilot Kenneth Arnold reported seeing a disc-shaped objected flying at high speed near Mt Ranier in Washington. After this report hit the news, hundreds of other reports of "flying saucers” were reported across the country.

UFO's were allegedly seen all over the country in 1947.

But Roswell was to become home to one of these mysterious objects, disrupting its quiet pace and making it an immediate destination for all manner of researchers, military personnel, and curiosity seekers, a fate that continues to this day.

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