The National Security Agency was
created in November 1952 and has
provided timely information to U.S.
decision makers and military leaders
for more than 50 years. However,
even before President Truman signed
the memorandum establishing the
Agency, pioneer cryptologists laid
the groundwork for an organization
that would play a critical role in
the outcome of all major conflicts.
Cryptologist legends such as William
and Elizebeth Friedman, Frank
Rowlett, Agnes Meyer Driscoll and
Herbert O. Yardley are remembered
for their brilliant contributions
but thousands of other men and women
have quietly served their country
altering the course of this nation’s
history and ensuring a free and safe
America. The history of cryptology
is their story.
The NSA/CSS boasts a rich heritage
and the people who have served their
country in any cryptologic capacity
understand a legacy unknown to most
Americans. From pre-WWI efforts to
the most recent conflicts, this
nation’s cryptologists have been
there quietly protecting and
exploiting signal intelligence.
Their efforts and the use of radio
intercept, radio direction finding,
and processing capabilities gave the
United States and its Allies a
unique advantage in WWI. The lessons
learned here and advances in
technology played a critical role in
the cryptologic successes in WWII.
It was finally realized that
cryptanalysts needed to be
coordinated under one agency so the
Armed Forces Security Agency was
formed in 1949. The mission of this
newly created agency was to conduct
communications intelligence and
communications security activities
within the National Military
However, with its restrictive
organizational structure and a lack
of a central agency for cryptologic
efforts, AFSA could not achieve its
mission. It had merely become the
military branch for cryptology. The
agency was therefore redesigned and
all cryptologic activities both
military and nonmilitary were
brought together to form the
National Security Agency.
Since its inception, the Agency has
taken responsibility for securing
the nation’s communications while
exploiting foreign signals
intelligence. Although inherently a
secret business, a public museum
devoted to the history of
cryptologists and their work opened
to the public in December 1993.
Memorabilia ranging from the German
Enigma to the recently declassified
Cray computer decorate the museum
hallways. The National Cryptologic
Museum attempts to pull back the
veil of secrecy and gives visitors
an insight into the history of
making and breaking codes. Visitors
can get a feel for the legacy and
rich heritage that is the
cornerstone of the National Security
People in Europe and the United
States are beginning to ask why. Has
the NSA turned from eavesdropping on
the communists to eavesdropping on
businesses and private citizens in
Europe and the United States? The
concerns have arisen because of the
existence of a sophisticated network
linking the NSA and the spy agencies
of several other nations. The NSA
will not confirm the existence of
the project, code-named Echelon.
The allegations are serious. A
report by the European Parliament
has gone so far as to say "within
Europe all e-mail, telephone and fax
communications are routinely
intercepted" by the NSA. As one of
the few outsiders who have followed
the agency for years.real concern is
that the technologies it is
developing behind closed doors, and
the methods that have given rise to
such fears, have given the agency
the ability to extend its
eavesdropping network almost without
limits. And as the NSA speeds ahead
in its development of satellites and
computers powerful enough to sift
through mountains of intercepted
data, the federal laws (now a
quarter-century old) that regulate
the agency are still at the starting
gate. The communications
revolution--and all the new
electronic devices susceptible to
monitoring--came long after the
primary legislation governing the
The controversy comes at an
interesting time. Throughout much of
the intelligence community, the
cloak of secrecy is being pulled
back. The CIA recently sponsored a
well-publicized reunion of former
American spies in Berlin and is
planning a public symposium on
intelligence during the Cold War
later this month in Texas. Even the
National Reconnaissance Office, once
so secret that even its name was
classified, now offers millions of
pages of documents and decades of
spy satellite imagery to anyone with
the time and interest to review
them. The NSA is the exception. As
more and more questions are being
raised about its activities, the
agency is pulling its cloak even
tighter. It is obsessively
secretive. Last spring, for the
first time, it denied a routine
request for internal procedural
information from a congressional
intelligence committee.
Headquartered at Fort Meade, halfway
between Washington and Baltimore,
the NSA is by far America's largest
spy agency. It has about 38,000
military and civilian employees
around the world; the CIA, roughly
17,000. The agency's mandate is to
monitor communications and break
codes overseas; it also has a
limited domestic role, with targets
such as foreign embassies. It can
monitor American citizens suspected
of espionage with a warrant from a
special court. It is potentially the
most intrusive spy agency. Echelon,
which links the NSA to its
counterparts in the U.K., Canada,
Australia and New Zealand, amounts
to a global listening network. With
it, those agencies are able to sift
through great quantities of
communications intercepted by
satellites and ground stations
around the world, using computers
that search for specific names,
words or phrases. Whether the NSA
will go too far with Echelon is not
an idle question. In the mid-1970s,
the Senate and House Select
Committees on Intelligence were
created in part as a result of NSA
violations. For decades, the NSA had
secretly and illegally gained access
to millions of private telegrams and
telephone calls in the United
States. The agency acted as though
the laws that applied to the rest of
government did not apply to it.
Based on the findings of a
commission appointed by President
Ford, the Justice Department
launched an unusually secret
criminal investigation of the
agency, known only to a handful of
people. Senior NSA officials were
read Miranda warnings and
interrogated. It was the first time
the Justice Department had ever
treated an entire federal agency as
a suspect in a criminal
investigation. Eventually, despite
finding numerous grounds on which to
go forward with prosecution, Justice
attorneys recommended against it.
"There is the specter," said their
report, which the government still
considers classified, "in the event
of prosecution, that there is likely
to be much 'buck-passing' from
subordinate to superior, agency to
agency, agency to board or
committee, board or committee to the
President, and from the living to
the dead."
As a result of the investigations,
Congress in 1978 passed the Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Act
(FISA), which stated in black and
white what the NSA could and could
not do. To overcome the NSA's
insistence that its activities were
too secret to be discussed before
judges, Congress created a special
federal court, the Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Court, to
hear requests for warrants for
national security eavesdropping. In
case the court ever turned down an
NSA request, the Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Appeals
Court was created. It has never
heard a case. In the more than two
decades since the FISA was passed,
the law has remained largely static,
while cell phones, e-mail, faxes and
the Internet have come to dominate
how we communicate. The point hasn't
been lost on the NSA. Last month,
Air Force Lt. Gen. Michael Hayden,
director of the NSA, gave a speech
inside the agency. I was one of the
few outsiders invited to attend.
Hayden warned of the "new
challenges" in "information
technology" that the agency now
faces. "The scale of change is
alarmingly rapid," he said, noting
that "the world now contains 40
million cell phones, 14 million fax
machines, 180 million computers, and
the Internet doubles every 90 days." |