Alien-obsessed Illuminati Bruno Borges VANISHES
Psychology student Bruno Borges, 25, vanished from his home last Monday while working on a top secret project. His disappearance has sparked major interest online after a bizarre video of his bedroom was leaked online, with some suggesting he has been taken away by a UFO.
Many are suggesting the young man, from Brazil, was trying to complete the work of Giordano Bruno, who was one of the first thinks to predict the existence of extraterrestrial life.
His room was covered with strange signs associated with Satanism and illuminati covered the floor. While an eerie self-portrait of the student with an alien was discovered on his wall.
Police say all possibilities are being considered and his family revealed he was working on a secretive project before he vanished. Relatives say he was constantly asking them to help him fund the scheme – but refused to give more details only saying he was writing a series of books that would change humanity in a good way.
Bound manuscripts – each with Roman numerals on it – were also found in his room, which have been decoded by a Brazilian computer expert. Now, there seems to be a growing number of people who think Borges is the reincarnation of Giordano Bruno. They feel this way not only because of Borges obsession with, and understanding of the writings by, the man, but because he does bear some striking physical resemblance to him. And, you know, his name is Bruno.
And so what if Borges suddenly realized one day that he was really Giordano Bruno? I mean, let’s suspend all belief and just consider what one would do if they spontaneously woke up to the fact that they were some sort of historical/esoteric personage of that quality, living in 2017.

It is difficult, as an adult, to understand that you were wrongly taught what you suspected was correct since you were a child.
In other words, if you fit into the system, your behaviour will be determined, making you at the mercy of beliefs already provided and well established in dogmas and rituals, with the masses.
Mr Borges was last seen by his family when they went for a meal in Rio Branco before his parents went away.
When his parents returned a month later, they discovered he had removed all of his furniture and plastered his walls with symbols, writing and images. Mr Borges reportedly kept his room locked for 24 days while his parents were away, according to his older sister Gabriela.
Borges was an extremely intellectual, sensitive, and esoterically-inclined individual who, in 2013, began seeking donations from family members for a big secret project. This project was the composition of 14 books which Borges claimed would benefit humankind.

He was an adult and it was his privacy.
“It bothered me, but I couldnt exactly break down the door.
His mother Denise admitted her son was interested in extraterrestrial life, according to the Daily Star online.
She added: He only told me that he was writing 14 books that would change mankind in a good way.
He wanted to patent them because he had created a new theory.
He asked me for help and I said I would read them.

The 14 bound manuscripts each with a Roman numeral on were found in the room written in the same code as that on the walls. A photograph that allegedly shows one page of one of the books has appeared online and has been decoded by a Brazilian computer expert.

It is difficult, as an adult, to understand that you were wrongly taught what you suspected was correct since you were a child. In other words, if you fit into the system, your behaviour will be determined, making you at the mercy of beliefs already provided and well established in dogmas and rituals, with the masses.
The Criminal Investigation Department (DIC) are investigating Borges’ disappearance.
According to lead investigator Fabrizzio Sobreira, the case remains confidential, but all possibilities are being considered.