The Rosetta Stone

The Rosetta Stone is 3 feet 9 inches long and 2 feet 41/2 inches wide – (114x72x28cm). It is dark grey-pinkish granite stone (originally thought to be basalt in composition) with writing on it in two languages, Egyptian and Greek, using three scripts, Hieroglyphic, Demotic Egyptian and Greek. Because Greek was well known, the stone was the key to deciphering the hieroglyphs.

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Rohonc Codex – Mystery of Indecipherable

The Rohonc Codex is an illustrated manuscript book by an unknown author, with a text an unknown language and writing system, that surfaced in Hungary in the early 19th century. The book’s origin and the meaning of the text and illustrations have been investigated by many scholars and amateurs, with no definitive conclusion – although many Hungarian scholars believe that it is an 18th-century hoax.

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Skeleton Lake of Roopkund, India – A Mystery Demystified

A lake with hundreds of ancient skeletons surrounding it. The surprise is what killed them. Roopkund is better off known as The skeleton lake due to the presence of an enormous grave that holds about 300 to 600 skeletons. This discovery has revolutionized the world of ancient history ever since 1942, when a park ranger came across this mass deposition of bones.

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San Pedro Mountains Mummy

In October 1932, while digging for gold in the San Pedro mountains, Carbon County, Wyoming, two prospectors, Cecil Mayne and Frank Carr, blasted their way through some thick rock that a large vein of gold continued into. When the dust settled, they saw they had opened up a small room, approximately 4 ft tall, 4 ft wide, and about 15 ft deep. This is where they claimed that they first saw the mummy of a tiny person.

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Sicily Crypts: Place Where The Dead Don’t Sleep

Sicily Crypts: Place Where The Dead Don’t Sleep.It has been said that Sicilians have an obsession with death. It is still very common to see elderly Sicilian widows wearing black for the remainder of their lives and a tradition of professional mourners once existed for centuries.

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