Creepy Historical Vampire – The Terrifying Tale of Peter Plogojowitz

Peter Plogojowitz was a Serbian peasant who was believed to have become a vampire after his death and to have killed nine of his fellow villagers. The case was one of the earliest, most sensational and most well documented cases of vampire hysteria. It was described in the report of Imperial Provisor Frombald, an official of the Austrian administration, who witnessed the staking of Plogojowitz

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Whipping Tom: The Weird, Serial Spanker Of London

Whipping Tom was a mysterious man who wandered the streets of London in 1680. He shocked 17th-century society by lunging at women, lifting their dresses, and spanking their bums while shouting “Spanko!” before escaping capture. At one point, things got so bad that armed men would patrol the streets dressed as women in the hopes of drawing him out.

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Real Sounds from Hell in Siberia’s Well to Hell- Unexplained Mysteries

The ‘Well to Hell’ is a putative borehole in Russia which was purportedly drilled so deep that it broke through into Hell, traditionally considered to be located underground in Christian mythology. This urban legend has been circulating on the Internet since at least 1997. It is first attested in English as a 1989 broadcast by a U.S. domestic TV broadcaster, Trinity Broadcasting Network.

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