Freakish Humanoid caught floating over California

An odd piece of footage from California appears to show a floating humanoid figure in the sky and frightening witnesses on the ground. The eerie video was reportedly captured by a man named Pablo Morales in the city of Burbank on a cloudy evening earlier this month. The witness subsequently posted it to YouTube where it was noticed by a number of channels devoted to showcased strange footage of possible paranormal events.

In the video, a dark anomaly that resembles a person can be seen moving across the sky as Morales and his family watch on in wonder. At one point, the bewildered witness asks “is that Jesus Christ” and them solemnly whispers “please, oh, Father God.” After exclaiming to his mother that there is a man floating in the sky, she asks if he is sure and Morales indicates that he is certain of it. Eventually, the oddity floats behind a tree and then seemingly starts to descend to the ground.


Source: YouTube

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