Gigantic UFO Video Michigan – April 2018

The state of Michigan has a rich history of UFO sightings, and UFO Video starting in 1953 with the loss of an F-89C Scorpion jet… A UFO sighting in May 2017 over Lake Michigan is the second such sighting to be reported during the recent flying humanoid flap in Chicago, after a similar glowing ball was seen in April.  The more recent sighting took place on May 3rd, and was reported to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).  It is listed under case number 83492.

The witness who filed the report was with his girlfriend, and initially believed the object to be the planet Venus, until it started ascending in a ‘ladder pattern.’  The couple who witnessed the UFO were reportedly in a high rise next to Lake Michigan.

According to the report, the witnesses were “looking out our high rise window at lake Michigan. the pulsating and brightness of the object and how it just appeared out of nowhere. i thought the object was Venus. the object was clearly moving in a ladder formation this was observable for a long period of time by both of us. i was dumbfounded when my girlfriend pointed out that the object was moving. the object finally went behind another building and we could no longer see it.”


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