PROJECT SERPO – Exchange program between Aliens – Humans

In 2005, an anonymous source sent a series of emails to a UFO Discussion Group led by former U.S. Government Employee Victor Martinez. These emails detailed the existence of an Exchange Program between the U.S. Government and the Ebens – alien beings from Serpo, a planet from the Zeta Reticuli Star System. The program was thus called Project Serpo.

The source identified himself as a retired employee of the government, claiming he had participated in a special program.

The Story — Serpo

Serpo is an alleged planet of the binary star system ζ Reticuli, 39 light years from Earth. It is slightly smaller than Earth but has a human-breathable atmosphere. It is populated by an extraterrestrial race known as Ebens, who mostly live in rather simple villages. The total population is 650,000. Ebens are short and brown. “Ebens” is a term that comes from the acronym “E.B.E.” for “Extra-Terrestrial Biological Entity.”

The Story — The Exchange Program

One Eben was a survivor of the 1947 flying saucer crash at Corona, New Mexico. In 1965, twelve US military astronauts set off for what was to be a ten-year mission to Serpo in a spacecraft that was reverse-engineered from the Corona saucer and used anti-matter as its energy source. The journey took ten months, at 40 times the speed of light.

Two of the astronauts died on Serpo or en route to Serpo, in part due to the intense radiation on the planet. Two others never returned and are alleged to be still living The Good Life on Serpo. The mission of the remaining eight (seven men and one woman) was extended and they returned to Earth in 1978. They were held incommunicado for debriefing until 1984. All of them have since died.

The Story — How it unfolded

Apparently it all started in 2005 with an e-mail from “Request Anonymous” to a Ufology maillist moderated by Victor Martinez. “Anonymous” claimed to be a retired US Government official with top-secret clearance. Investigation by the Reality Uncovered Network led them to believe that “Anonymous” was Richard C. Doty, a former security guard with the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (who had a book to sell.) The R.U.N. investigators developed the story to include two other fabricators, the three being known alternatively as The Imaginary Intelligence Agency or Scammers, Inc.


Bill Ryan, business partner and (at the time) bed-mate of the paranoid gubbmint-hater Kerry Cassidy, took up the story and created the web site (which he no longer administers.) The story exploded onto the paranormal cybersphere in 2006 — nicely timed for the first edition of the Collins & Doty book.

Steven Spielberg may have been aware of this story, and tailored his 1977 award-winning movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind after the details. One will note the 12 people trained and ready to board the UFO at the end, in an exchange program; 10 men, 2 women, just like in the original story. One now has to wonder how Spielberg found out about it. In an interview one year after the release, he speaks of NASA writing him a 20-page letter asking him not to make this movie, and his response “I knew something must be happening”. I think we all have to wonder, who was feeding him the story NASA did not want released in public media?

Additionally, a very recent (July 2017) Youtube release of a lecture from Australia spends the entire hour and half addressing the story, from 1965 forward. It includes one interview by Steven Spielberg, and several possible photos of the events. The lecturer does keep a very open mind to possible fake items, and tells you about them.

The program’s origins lay with the two UFO crashes in New Mexico in 1947, the famous Roswell incident and another one in Corona. He claimed one extraterrestrial survived the crash and was transferred to the Los Alamos National Laboratory. The other six deceased extraterrestrials were placed in a freezing facility in the same laboratory.

Establishing communications with the scientists and military personnel, the survivor provided them with the location of its home planet and continued to cooperate until its death in 1952. The alien provided information regarding the items found inside the crashed UFOs. One of the items was a communication device that it was allowed to use, contacting its home planet.

A meeting was set for April 1964, when an alien craft landed near Alamogordo, New Mexico. Upon retrieving the bodies of their dead comrades, the extraterrestrials engaged in an information exchange that was carried out in English, thanks to the aliens’ translation device.

One thing led to another and in 1965, the aliens accepted to take a group of humans back to their planet as part of the exchange program. Twelve military personnel were carefully selected for a ten year stay on Serpo. The ten men and two women were specialists in various fields and their task was to gather as much information as possible, regarding all aspects of life, society and technology on the alien planet.

They were three years late and four people short when they finally returned in 1978. Two men had died on the alien planet. One man and one woman had decided to stay. The journey to Serpo, located 37 light years from Earth, took only nine months aboard the alien craft.

They had learned that Serpo was a planet similar to our own, albeit smaller. It orbited around a binary star system and had an atmosphere similar in composition to the one on Earth. However, the two suns meant there were higher levels of radiation and the twelve humans had to resort to protection at all times. Two of them died from complications. The heat was extreme and it took the remaining humans several years to adjust.

Another problem was the food. The crew had taken enough food to last them for two and a half years but eventually had to resort to eating native Eben food. Anyone who’s traveled abroad knows about the serious gastrointestinal implications posed by eating local food but the human crew eventually adjusted.

Another problem was the length of the day on Serpo, which was 43 Earth hours long. Also, it never got fully dark as their night skies were dimly lit by the smaller sun. The crew had complete freedom to explore the alien planet and they were not hindered in any way.

The geology of the alien world was different; there were few mountains and no oceans. Several types of plant-like life existed but mostly near the polar area, where it was cooler. There were also types of animal life and some of the larger ones were used by the Ebens for work and other tasks but never as food sources. They produced their food through industrial processes, of which they had many.

The inhabitants of Serpo lived in small communities led by a large city. They lacked a central government but seemed to be doing fine without it. The Ebens had leadership and an army but the Earth team noticed they never used weapons of any type and violence was virtually unheard of. They had no concept of money or commerce. Every Eben was issued items in accordance with their needs.

The planet’s population was about 650,000 individuals. The human crew noted the Ebens were disciplined in all aspects of their lives, working on schedules based on the movements of their suns. There were no other civilizations on Serpo except the Ebens.

Source : PerfectEdition

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