Spooky Ghost Moment glass cabinet opens by itself and shatters into pieces – Unexplained Mysteries
Spooky moment glass cabinet opens by itself and shatters into pieces in locked, empty room in ‘haunted’ auction house
Read moreSpooky moment glass cabinet opens by itself and shatters into pieces in locked, empty room in ‘haunted’ auction house
Read moreA Toyol or Tuyul is a mythical spirit in the Malay mythology of South-East Asia. It’s usually kept in a jar, or a box, and given offerings of food. In return for the food and protection, the toyol will lurk around the village at night, running errands for its master
Read moreWitches and witchcraft have captivated the minds of everyone: from angry villagers wondering why the women of the town were gaining a sense of independence to the average Joe wondering whether that herbal tea last night was a potion or just really bad tea. Witches have been seen as objects of wisdom and evil in folklore for many generations.
Read moreJapanese ghosts (yurei) are spirits that have been prevented from a peaceful resting place by dramatic events during their life. Often they are murder or suicide victims . In other cases, an injustice has sparked intense desires of love,revenge, sorrow or hatred — these desires are so strong that the ghost is able to transcend death to dwell on the earth.
Read moreWhile trying to decide which ghost photos are the best is largely an exercise in subjectivity, its difficult to know which ones are the best with any degree of objectivity. These are the photos considered the most authentic captures of ghosts ever caught on film, but leave it to you to decide for yourself how real they may be
Read moreThe Smurl haunting refers to claims made by Jack and Janet Smurl of West Pittston, Pennsylvania who alleged that a demon inhabited their home between 1974 and 1989. The Smurls claims gained wide press attention and were investigated by demonologists who encouraged the Smurls’ supernatural beliefs, and clergy, psychologists, and scientific skeptics who offered more parsimonious explanations.
Read moreThe Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Part 2 – Video Trailers
Read moreOne of the most influential books in the horror genre is Bram Stoker’s 1897 novel Dracula. Stoker, who was a manager of the world-renowned Lyceum Theatre in London
Read moreThe Rake is a mythical creature which is described as pale and humanoid, with it limbs twisted at odd angles and having long talons to harm its prey. Its movements are often described as canine.
Read moreNapoleon interpreted his dreams and he liked to tell ghost stories. He firmly believed in a Little Red Man of Destiny who foretold his future, and let this belief influence his decisions. A thoughtful historical look at Napoleon should include his superstitions and folklore beliefs, and an assessment of how much they influenced his actions.
Read moreOne of Shakespeares more popular plays, Macbeth has a bizarre and dangerous past, going right back to its premiere performance in the early 1600s. Two such superstitions float around Macbeth. The first is that it’s bad luck to even say Macbeth except during rehearsal or performance.
Read moreThe Devils Footprints was the name given to a peculiar phenomenon that occurred in Devon, England on 8 February 1855. After a light snowfall, during the night, a series of hoof-like marks appeared in the snow.
Read moreThe investigation on August 22, 1974, in Culver City California was to be like any other one Dr. Barry Taff had done. Believing that this would be an open and shut case they showed up at Doris Bithers house. Not expecting much. Little did they know this would be one of the biggest cases in the annals of paranormal history.
Read moreSuperstitions and Folklore Characters in Trinidad & Tobago well be similar to other Caribbean countries with slight variations in name of the character
Read moreBook of the Dead is the common name for ancient Egyptian funerary texts known as The Book of Coming or Going Forth By Day. The name ‘Book of the Dead’ was the invention of the German Egyptologist Karl Richard Lepsius, who published a selection of some texts in 1842.
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