The Curse of 27 – The Forever 27 Club

The Curse of 27 is the belief that 27 is an unlucky number due to the number of famous musicians and entertainers who have died at the age. Robert Johnson, Jim Morrison, Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Ron ‘Pigpen’ McKernan, Janis Joplin, Jonathan Brandis, Kurt Cobain and more recently, Amy Winehouse, are all believed to have been affected by the Curse of 27. The number 27 has been said to ‘follow’ and bring bad luck to people. They see it random times through out the day, on the clock, on television, in phone numbers, math problems, dates, jersey numbers, etc.

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Top 6 Witches of All Times

Witches and witchcraft have captivated the minds of everyone: from angry villagers wondering why the women of the town were gaining a sense of independence to the average Joe wondering whether that herbal tea last night was a potion or just really bad tea. Witches have been seen as objects of wisdom and evil in folklore for many generations.

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10 bizarre phenomena that have scientists baffled

Scientists have spent centuries uncovering the many mysteries of the natural world, yet some phenomena still baffle even the sharpest of scientific minds. From strange lights in the sky following earthquakes to rocks that spontaneously glide across the ground, these naturally-occurring events from around the world seem to have no purpose or meaning.

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Top 10 Bermuda Triangle Theories

The Bermuda Triangle is a geographic area with it’s points being at Miami, Florida, the island of Bermuda, and San Juan Puerto Rico. In this area, over the course of time, many different aircraft and boats have mysteriously disappeared without a trace, leading many to believe that the triangle has something unusual about it that is swallowing up people, planes, and boats.

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The Smurl Haunting – True Case of the Smurl Family

The Smurl haunting refers to claims made by Jack and Janet Smurl of West Pittston, Pennsylvania who alleged that a demon inhabited their home between 1974 and 1989. The Smurls claims gained wide press attention and were investigated by demonologists who encouraged the Smurls’ supernatural beliefs, and clergy, psychologists, and scientific skeptics who offered more parsimonious explanations.

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